Felix Metzger and Valeria Koudoumogiannaki

Felix Metzger studied Sociology and Philosophy in Germany, meanwhile discovering his passion for Improvisation Theatre. In 2017 he moved to Athens and started facilitating Improv Theatre workshops in the self-managed Theatre Embros as well as getting educated in the school Improvibe. Since 2018 he is part of a workshop collective, “The Beehive Community”, which aim is to run seminars and events to help increase self-awareness, Culture of Care and social change.

Valeria Koudoumogiannaki studied Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a Master degree in Positive and Coaching Psychology. The last 8 years she is working with alternative healing methods. 2020 she founded flourish.gr and started working as a live coach, focussing on the spiritual and mental health of her clients.


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