On Saturday 30th December

12:00 – 14:30pm

Meli Temple in Petralona

Participation fee 25€

Are you ready to complete with love and grace the cycle of 2023?

Are you prepared to invite new energy to your life, to plant dream seeds that will grow into a new reality in 2024?

Then join me and other sisters and brothers for a ceremony of honoring, celebration, connection, dance, meditation and integration.

Together we will weave the thread of possibility and potential, that is so powerful in manifesting new realities. You will get the chance to learn new things about yourself, to introspect, to imagine, to play and to connect with other people and with yourself on a deeper level!

Saturday 30 December 2023, 12:00 – 14:30 at Meli Temple in Athens

Participation fee 25€

A few days ago, while I was preparing this seminar I realized that there is a very powerful practice from the tantric tradition that really suits this ritual and it would be a powerful way to invite in new energies for the coming year.

The practice is called Orgasmic Manifestation and involves a breathing technique combined with specific body movement and intention/visualization. We will activate shakti energy and direct it consciously through our energy centers to “feed” our seed intention.

We will prepare the ground by honoring the past, by grounding ourselves in the present moment, and by creating space for new seeds to get energy and power from the intention of our mind and heart combined.

Our toolbox includes the following:

  • yoga

  • conscious movement

  • breathwork

  • meditation

  • voice/sound

  • intention

  • visualization

  • taoism

  • tantra

  • dancing

  • energy arts

For any questions or further details I will be happy to respond either by email or by message on social media of inspirited.

I am looking forward to co-creating this ritual with you!

With love and light,

Marianna Chili

Subscribe here to receive details about the ritual/seminar and the venue.

Marianna Chili

15 years ago I began the spiritual path through the Buddhist vipassana meditation, which has been the starting point for an adventurous journey that continues to change and grow stronger as time goes on. After this beginning, my path was continuous and multifaceted, I continued with yoga (astanga, hatha, kundalini, etc.), with energy treatments, I trained in theta therapy, kundalini yoga, and finally in Taoism and tantra. I have studied with many teachers and different traditions but what is most important to me is the gradual awakening of inner knowledge and wisdom. This is what I wish to share through seminars like this one.

Finally, I would like to add that part of my path is writing, mainly poetry but also other genres, which is a source of inspiration for my connection with the sacredness that exists in everything. We are called to let this holiness emerge through every part of our being so that we can begin to experience true life. Life through ecstasy, joy, bliss, fulfillment and love.

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