Dharma or karma

What is Dharma and what is Karma?

“The key to the spiritual life is…. the transformation of karma into dharma” (William Metzger)

What does it mean to live according to dharma or according to karma? Are there differences, is it the same, or can we differentiate some subtle but important features?

First let’s analyze as much as we can the meaning of these two very important Sanskrit words, which are directly connected to Hinduism and the philosophy of the East.



In the Sanskrit language, the word comes from the root dhri, meaning “to keep”, or “to maintain”. Dharma is that which sustains, maintains, and holds the cosmic flow, the universal balance.

In this sense, it represents the correct sequence of cycles of evolution so that the world as we know it will continue to exist. It refers to the Law, which maintains balance in the universe, in society, in individual life, when it is applied, and above all, when it is applied “correctly”.

When a person follows this law on an individual level, i.e. operates according to a higher guidance for his/her purpose/way of life, then he also contributes to the maintenance of harmony not only for himself, but also for society, and humanity, the planet, and by extension, the universe.

In a way, when we are in balance in our lives, it indicates that we are following our dharma. People appear with whom relationships are dharmic (i.e. balanced and primarily nurture our further evolution, through the empowerment, understanding, support, and clarity they offer us), and the work we engage in serves us, but also the whole.

We have a sense of fulfillment in relation to our purpose, and finally, we are constantly learning new things about ourselves and our relationship with ourselves, others, the Whole, the world, the universe.

In this sense, dharma is the “right way to live”, and this is different for everyone. A major difficulty is understanding how we follow this inner guidance. And the answer I propose here is threefold, but, in fact, it is only one.

The answer lies in the heart. How I feel about myself, the work I do, and other people can give me many signs of whether and to what extent I am following my dharma.

Another way to go deeper is to ask myself, what “turns me up”? What is it that gives me an “elevation”, makes my breathing rhythm change, raising my sternum, makes me feel inspired, happy, smile spontaneously and without thinking. Then this person, or situation is in accordance with my dharma.

And finally, what is it that I am sure will be done or is to be done or that I need to do. There is a deep self-belief that goes beyond the mental trappings and opinions of others, which suggests that something that may seem impossible at first glance, does not stop me from pursuing it because deep down I believe it is the “right” thing to do. for me.

This is dharma. And it can be about people, situations, the kind or way one works, health, diet, anything.



In the Sanskrit language, the word comes from the root kri, meaning “to do” or “do.” It has been associated with law, natural law. According to Blavatsky, it concerns “the law that constantly restores the normal harmonious state of the world, when it is disturbed”. Karma is also multi-layered in its cosmic mechanism of action and reaction, where, like the prediction of the weather, it is impossible to predict by a rational three-dimensional mind like ours.

And it doesn’t even need to be predicted. Because karma is a matter of choice. Can anyone at any time choose a way of thinking, feeling and acting that changes the flow of their karma up until then, replacing it with dharma…

Let’s say a difficulty in life has two ways to deal with it.

On the one hand (karma) I may learn no lesson from a difficulty and rise to the awakening of potentialities that I neither knew I had nor ever knew could be available or possible.

On the other side (dharma) I have the ability to decide to do everything in my power to free myself from this difficulty from the depths by changing myself and my beliefs, as well as any internal limitations that might be holding me back. prevented from this release.

To better understand what karma and dharma are, a helpful figure is the following:

To better understand what karma and dharma are, a helpful figure is the following:

Karma = our limitations

or Dharma = expansion beyond our limitations

Karma = where we are now

or Dharma = the point where we can meet

Karma = our limitations, the limits of our ability to respond

in a situation

or Dharma = we transcend our limits by expressing our essential nature, wherever we may be

We can thus think of dharma as that which preserves our essential or characteristic quality, or establishes ourselves in the Truth of who we are.

Therefore, as we proceed to consider the karmic results, caused by causes which were previously set in motion, we are given a wonderful “opportunity” to come closer to who we are internally, to establish ourselves in our inner nature.

It has been said that we can think of karma as a horizontal condition or necessity, and dharma as a vertical possibility.

So it becomes clear that we can use our karmic limitations as a springboard, as an opportunity to further expand our evolution, to become closer to who we really are.

Therefore, living continuously in the dharma can be seen as a progressive development from within, associated with higher mental and spiritual evolution.

Now that you have learned what karma is and what dharma is, what do you choose? Live according to karma (past action based on internal limitation) or according to dharma (transcending limitation to get closer to my true self)?

They say about us

Agapi Orladu
Agapi Orladu
Όλα ξεκίνησαν με την αναζήτηση μου στο Instagram για προσωπικής εξέλιξης, έτσι γνώρισα και την Μαριάννα την οποία εμπιστευτικά και πήρα μια σειρά σεμιναρίων "Άνοιγμα της θηλυκότητας" πράγματι με εξέπληξε το γεγονός πόσο ισχυρή ενεργειακή δόνηση μεταφέρει καθ όλη την διάρκεια της συνεδρίας μαζί της. Εδώ να τονίσω...Παρ' όλου που ήταν διαδικτυακά ένιωσα να ενεργοποιείται κάθε να κάθε σημείο του σώματος μου το οποίο δουλεύαμε, να νιώθω την αίσθηση το ξεμπλοκάρισμα του, ενεργοποίησε όλο μου το είναι του Σώματος και της Έκφρασης του λόγου μου, μιας και πάντα εξέταζα πολύ πριν μιλήσω, για ότι με απασχολούσε και στο τέλος δεν μιλούσα, άρα δεν εκδηλωνόμουν, με αποτέλεσμα να έχω έντονο ενεργειακό συναισθηματικό μπλοκάρισμα. Εντέλει η διαίσθηση μου με δικαίωσε και μέσα από αυτό, ενισχύθηκε κι η αυτοπεποίθηση μου να με ακούω.... να μην με αμφισβητώ ποτέ πια! "Μαριάννα, Είσαι πραγματικά απεσταλμένη, γ' αυτό που κάνεις κι έχεις πολύ δυνατές δονήσεις....Σε ευχαριστώ που βρέθηκες στον δρόμο μου και με μύησες σε αυτά τα νέα για μένα μονοπάτια... τα οποία με εσένα καθοδηγήτρια πετυχαίνω να γνωρίσω καλύτερα τον ανώτερο εαυτό μου, σου είμαι, Ευγνώμων!"🙏🙏🙏
Vasiliki Makri
Vasiliki Makri
Έκανα το σεμινάριο "Άνοιγμα στη Θηλυκότητα". Με την πρώτη συνεδρία ένιωσα τη μήτρα μου να καθαρίζει και να αναζωογονείται! Το συστήνω ολόψυχα!
Elzette Le Roux
Elzette Le Roux
Marianna’s compassion and grace holds beautiful space for me to see and re-member the unseen and forgotten parts of me. With her empathy superpower she helps me with words (and images) for what I feel and/or my body stored and helps me to bring shadow parts into the light. Thank you sister for sharing your gifts with me and journeying with me in healing, recognizing my wholeness to thrive in my genius!
Βρήκα τη Μαριάννα τυχαία στο instagram! Διαισθητικά την εμπιστεύτηκα και μπήκα σε έναν κύκλο γυναικών. Παρ' όλο που γίνεται διαδικτυακά η ενέργεια είναι τόσο δυνατή που δεν μπορεί παρά να σε κατακλείσει. Με βοηθάει στο ταξίδι θεραπείες που έχω ξεκινήσει εδώ και μήνες. Ήμουν έτοιμη να το ζήσω όλο αυτό και το απολαμβάνω. Ηρεμία, απελευθέρωση, δύναμη είναι μόνο λίγα από αυτά που βίωσα! Να είσαι καλά Μαριάννα! Ανυπομονώ και για τη συνέχεια!
georgia georgia
georgia georgia
Την Μαριάννα την ξεχώρισα γιατί είναι απλή φιλική αληθινή! Ότι σεμινάριο έχω κάνει μαζί της είναι απολαυστικό λυτρωτικό και θεραπευτικό!!
Konstantina Anagnostopoulou
Konstantina Anagnostopoulou
Μία υπέροχη κοινότητα αγάπης, αποδοχής και ενδυνάμωσης η Inspirited! Κάθε φορά που συμμετέχω στις δράσεις της κοινότητας βιώνω γαλήνη, και ξυπνάει μέσα μου η θηλυκή αρχή που είναι σαν ένα πέπλο μητρικό για μένα. Ένα πέπλο αγάπης κι ευγνωμοσύνης. Σας προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα να το δοκιμάσετε! :)
Demetra Yerolemou
Demetra Yerolemou
Έχω παρακολουθήσει διάφορα μαθήματα με την Μαριάννα. Έχω μείνει ενθουσιασμένη με κάθε ένα από αυτά, αλλά, κυρίως, με την ίδια που είναι πραγματικά χαρισματική. Έλαβα γνώση, εργαλεία και πρακτικές στις οποίες συχνά επιστρέφω. Θεωρώ πως δεν ήρθε τυχαία στον δρόμο μου και νιώθω ευγνώμων γι' αυτό! 🙏🙂



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